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Issue Details: First known date: 1960... 1960 World Unknown : An Anthology of Australian Prose
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* Contents derived from the Melbourne, Victoria,:Oxford University Press , 1970 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Josie, Vance Palmer , single work short story (p. 12-16)
The Rainbow-Bird, Vance Palmer , single work short story (p. 44-50)
The Grown-Up Ball 'And Women Must Weep', Henry Handel Richardson , single work short story (p. 115-120)
Initiation (from The Watcher on the Cast-Iron Balcony), Hal Porter , single work (p. 139-148)
The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea, Randolph Stow , extract novel (p. 159-174)
The Copper Creek Train, Xavier Herbert , single work prose
Tell Us About the Turkey, Jo, Alan Marshall , single work short story
The "Crucivle" [sic] of Truth, Joseph Furphy , extract novella
The Flight, Katharine Susannah Prichard , single work short story
Neighbours, Judah Waten , single work short story autobiography
The Red-Backed Spiders, Peter Cowan , single work short story
James and Lionel (from A House is Built), M. Barnard Eldershaw , extract
The Expulsion of Annie Johns, Henry Handel Richardson , single work short story
Popularity, Jack Lindsay , single work prose
Growing up in Gippsland, W. K. Hancock , single work prose
Empire Day, Brian James , single work short story satire
That Day at the Brown Lakes, Gavin Casey , single work short story
In the Park, Judith Wright , single work prose