'Termites build mounds in perfect cubes. Tornadoes strike the same building every day for a month. Storms of immune defence flood the lungs of completely healthy people and cataclysmic chain reactions begin spontaneously in nuclear devices.
The rules are beginning to break down.
BoHo Interactive presents a theatre performance, in collaboration CSIRO, about biosecurity.
Complex systems are made up of a large number of interconnected parts; simple on their own but producing unpredictable results when they interact.
People cluster by demographic, cities and rural areas become co-dependent, cars and buses and trains and bicycles and ferries coalesce into a transportation network. Now, something is beginning to affect systems of all kinds.
The rules are beginning to break down.' (Source: www.csiro.au/en/Portals/Education/Programs/Discovery-Centre/Whats-on/Word-Play.aspx )