person or book cover
Script cover page (from the Crawford Collection at the AFI Research Collection)
form y separately published work icon Why Lenny? single work   film/TV   crime  
Issue Details: First known date: 1971... 1971 Why Lenny?
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

The script held in the Crawford Collection in the AFI Research Collection contains the following character notes (excluding regular characters):

'FREDA CLARK 30. Lenny's widow. A warm but strong character. Knows exactly what her husband is and what he does. Loves him deeply in the true sense of the word. A realist.

'SENIOR DETECTIVE HARRY BROWN About 40. A seasoned member of the Breaking Squad.

'WHITE 28. Good looking, flashy dresser. Hard, callous, utterly ruthless. He is a very dangerous crim, who, when cornered, never stops thinking of how he can get out of a tight corner, and never caring who gets hurts when he does so.

'JOAN 30-ish. Freda's neighbour. A plump, contented housewife. Knows the Clarks, likes them, knows what they do and accepts it as perfectly normal.

'MRS. JOHNSON 45. Church bazaars, a garden, a gentlewoman. Not an inkling of an idea that her husband is a crim.

'SMOKEY STEVENS 50. A small wiry pro. crim. An old "customer" of Fox's. Proud of his prowess as a safebreaker. He knows Fox is a straight cop, and expects Fox to treat him as a professional.

'DAVIS 40. Shifty. The kind of bloke you couldn't trust as far as you could throw him. Tries to be a smart alec with a loud mouth, but cracks badly when the pressure is really on.

'KEN HUME 35. Forensic man, friendly, explains things to Grey.

'MR. GREY 50. Manager of the supermarket. All "hail-fellow-well-met" type. Finds it difficult to stop talking, thinks the robbery is most exciting and fancies himself as an amateur detective. He calms down a lot after he discovers Lenny's body.

'BOAT YARD OWNER 35. Pleasant, slow-moving, outdoor type.

'JIMMY SMITH 30-ish. Round-faced, smiling aboriginal [sic]. Friendly, down-to-earth.

'DOCTOR Normal-type doctor.

'FIRST HOUSE-HOLDER 25. Young motor enthusiast. Pleasant, average bloke.

'SECOND HOUSE-HOLDER 55. An average bloke.

'JOHNSON 40. Typical commerical traveller type, but not flamboyant.

'LENNY CLARK Small, 30-ish. A body only on the screen, but practically the major character.'


  • This entry has been compiled from archival research in the Crawford Collection (AFI Research Collection), undertaken by Dr Catriona Mills under the auspices of the 2012 AFI Research Collection (AFIRC) Research Fellowship.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

      1971 .
      person or book cover
      Script cover page (from the Crawford Collection at the AFI Research Collection)
      Extent: 66p.
      (Manuscript) assertion
      • The script is labelled 'Episode OP' on cover page. '336' has been added in black ink, although this aired as episode 335.
      • Red felt pen annotation in the top right-hand corner of the script indicates that this script was designated for Rae Dunn. According to the Crawford Productions tribute website (, Rae Dunn worked in publicity.
      • A hand-drawn map on the final page of the script shows the orientation of characters in the final scene.
      • There are no further signs of annotation on the script.


      Held at: AFI Research Collection
      Local Id: SC HOM : 335
Note: Neither the script nor the usual alternate sources suggest a director for this episode.
Last amended 29 Mar 2017 16:59:54