y separately published work icon Mort series - author   novel  
Issue Details: First known date: 2013... 2013 Mort
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y separately published work icon Mort : The 10,000 Year-Old Boy Martin Chatterton , North Sydney : Random House Australia , 2012 Z1862596 2012 single work children's fiction children's science fiction Time flies when you're having fun...Even when you're Mortimer DeVere, the 10,000-year-old boy. But when unexpected and unwelcome visitors arrive on Mort's home turf, the spooky Unk Island, he and his sister Agnetha will have their hands full dealing with some of the stranger hobbies they've tried to keep secret from one another and the outside world. Today may just turn out to be one of the most eventful days in Mort's very long life! (Libraries Australia)
y separately published work icon Mortal Combat Martin Chatterton , North Sydney : Random House , 2012 Z1935870 2012 single work children's fiction children's 'When 10,000-year-old Mortimer DeVere and his crew of accidental time travellers find themselves slap-bang in the middle of World War Two, things start looking pretty dicey. And with evil Adolf Hitler on the scene, the situation becomes positively lethal. But once the gang escape Germany, they find that in comparison to where they end up, wartime Berlin is ein walk in the park. (Publisher's blurb)
y separately published work icon Mortified : Lost in the Sands of Time Martin Chatterton , North Sydney : Random House , 2013 Z1935873 2013 single work children's fiction children's 'How far would you go to avoid school? For 10,000 - year - old Mortimer DeVere and his sister, Agnetha , the answer is: a very long way indeed. As far as the DeVere children are concerned, they have eaten their last soggy sandwich, handed in their last piece of homework and avoided their last bully. But not if Trish Molyneux has anything to do with it. In a desperate bid for freedom, Mort and Agnetha find themselves marooned in ancient Egypt, along with a grumpy Queen Victoria, a nosy writer who believes in fairies, a bloodthirsty crocodile and a tunnel full of zombie - mummies. Suddenly, school isn't looking quite so bad.' (Publisher's blurb)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 2013
    • North Sydney, North Sydney - Lane Cove area, Sydney Northern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales,: Random House , 2012- .
Last amended 25 Apr 2013 16:53:36
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