person or book cover
Script cover page (from the Crawford Collection at the AFI Research Collection)
form y separately published work icon Kill or Be Killed single work   film/TV   crime  
Issue Details: First known date: 1969... 1969 Kill or Be Killed
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

The script held in the Crawford Collection in the AFI Research Collection contains the following character notes (excluding regular characters):

'WALLY BURNS 40-55 years old. Character and a rogue. A petty criminal for most of his life, he has managed to pull one big job and get away with it. He is likeable despite his tendency to lie and cheat whenever it suits him. Witty and cunning in his own way. He has virtually adopted his nephew Tommy. By reason of his non-conformism, assisted by lies about his glamorous past, he has become a hero for the boy. Sometimes he is capable of believing his own lies and reacts strongly to any challenge of them. He is the victim.

'CLIFF ADAMS About 20 years. He kills Wally in self defence. He is a National Service evader (but not a standard student pacifist). A working class lad who believes that the Vietnam war is wrong and that he's not going over to get killed when so many people are in basic disagreement over the issues. He has not thought out his position clearly, rather he feels it. He is by no means frail, nor afraid of a fight, but his rudimentary examination of the question has convinced him that he will not go to Vietnam. He is a likeable young man forced by circumstances to kill.

'JO-ANNE EDWARDS About 20 years. Attractive and likeable working class girl. She is completely loyal to her boyfriend Cliff. She reacts emotionally to the problem of the call-up. She just doesn't want Cliff to get killed. She is confused by the events that take place and never quite sure what action is best in any stress situation.

'TOMMY BURNS About 16 years. Working class. Fiercely loyal to his uncle (Wally) whom he has adopted as a father figure. He finds his real father (Jack) intolerably dull. He is worried as soon as Cliff and Jo-Anne come on board the launch because they constitute a threat to his relationship with Wally. Many of his mannerisms and attitudes have been copied from Wally.

'JACK BURNS About 50-55 years. Working class. Tommy's father. Confined to a wheelchair. A hypochondriac who loves to rattle off his life story (which of course consists of misfortunes) to anyone who'll listen. He is sad about life - it has let him down badly - and his only way of getting back is to tell others of life's injustices. He is particularly sad that he has "lost" his son, Tommy, to his no good brother, Wally. A sad and hopeless character.

'KOESTLER 40-55 years. A rather arrogant and snobbish German whose manners give him a certain charm. He has been in Australia for many years and speaks excellent English. He has an upper class bearing and is intolerant of dirty, [sic] slovenliness and general inefficiency.

'MRS. BENNETT 40-55 years. Working class woman. Warm hearted and sympathetic. She has lost menfolk in wars and is completely on Cliff's side in his attempt to evade National Service. A strong willed woman, she stands up to the D's.

'BOB SULLIVAN About 20 years. A pleasant young man. Must be able to swim.

'JANET SULLIVAN About 20 years. An attractive girl, Bob's wife. Must be able to swim.

'TWO COMMONWEALTH POLICE. Extras. Big, burley, [sic] with bullet heads.



  • This entry has been compiled from archival research in the Crawford Collection (AFI Research Collection), undertaken by Dr Catriona Mills under the auspices of the 2012 AFI Research Collection (AFIRC) Research Fellowship.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

      1969 .
      person or book cover
      Script cover page (from the Crawford Collection at the AFI Research Collection)
      Extent: 79p.
      (Manuscript) assertion
      • The script is labelled 'Episode HP' on cover page. '236' has been added in black felt pen. According to a notation in the upper right-hand corner of the script, this is the production script. The cover page is also annotated in red felt pen and black ink.
      • The script, which includes avoiding the draft for the Vietnam War, includes such dialogue as 'Oh yeah, but the Nuremberg trails – you know, for war criminals – well they said it was a matter of individual conscience, that if I think the Government’s passing wrong laws or acting immorally – it’s my duty to oppose the laws in any way I can. – Well, I think we shouldn’t be in Vietnam, we’ve got no right, so I –'
      • Annotations on page 22 show the deletion of an entire scene: the scene is due to be filmed on location, with two police officers and a driver in the police launch on the bay. The scene might have been cut for length or might have been cut due to unavailability of either the launch or the location. The deleted scene is short: only three quarters of a page and two lines of dialogue.
      • Aside from the above note, there are no further signs of annotation on this copy of the script.
      • The final page includes a list of crew credits:
        Written by David Minter.
        Edited by Sonia Borg.
        Typed by Shirley Ballard, Hilary Burgess, Christine Rook.
        Checked by Christine Rook, Hilary Burgess, Shirley Ballard.
        Duplicated by [blank].
        The section below this for 'Producer's Remarks' has been left blank.


      Held at: AFI Research Collection
      Local Id: SC HOM : 236
Note: Storey suggests that Emanuel was credited as director and Miller as film director.
Last amended 24 Apr 2013 15:29:37