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Issue Details: First known date: 1969... 1969 Dead Shot
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

The script held in the Crawford Collection in the AFI Research Collection contains the following character notes (excluding regular characters):

'CLIFF WEBB In early 30's. Boastful, unscrupulous, unfeeling, vicious. Was crack shot in Army, and in overseas service had got used to roughing it. Mad about guns. Driver.

'VALERIE WEBB His estranged wife, about 30. A decent girl who put up with Webb's harsh treatment and womanising for years for the sake of their two children. She recently left him, and works in fruiterer's shop to maintain the children.

'JACK DELANEY About 40. Accomplice of Webb and Tommy Fraser when they rob a store. Outwardly bold and tough, he is really weak, cowardly and complaining -- and the first of the three men to crack.

'TOMMY FRASER Valerie's brother, about 20. Has hero-worshipped Webb since he was a small boy listening to boastful accounts of his exploits. Follows Webb into crime because he makes it seem adventurous.

'MARIO MIRTO Italian fruiterer who employs Valerie Webb and knows about her problems. Sympathetic. About 35.

'MRS. SHIRLEY ATKINSON Hotel manageress. About 30-35. Attractive, lively, intelligent.

'STAN SIMPSON Gloomy, middle-aged storekeeper who is robbed.

'CAPTAIN BARNABY Ex Army officer, assists Fox.

'DETECTIVE GRAHAM Plainclothes, escorts Mrs. Webb.

'MR. ELLIOTT Man aged 25-45 who is bashed and has car stolen.

'MR. GIBBS Bystander who is shot.

'MR. LEWIS Elderly shopkeeper who is shot.

'MRS. BARKER Woman shopper who is run down.'


  • This entry has been compiled from archival research in the Crawford Collection (AFI Research Collection), undertaken by Dr Catriona Mills under the auspices of the 2012 AFI Research Collection (AFIRC) Research Fellowship.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Note: Storey indicates that Lee was credited as film director.
      1969 .
      person or book cover
      Script cover page (from the Crawford Collection at the AFI Research Collection)
      Extent: 75p.
      (Manuscript) assertion
      • The script is labelled 'Episode GU'. 'Episode 223' has been added in pen.
      • This is the director's script, but no name is given for the director: the annotation in the top right-hand corner of the cover page simply reads 'Director'.
      • The script is heavily annotated, apparently by the director and at least one other hand. Annotations cover the script itself (deletion of dialogue or insertion of stage directions, for example) and the practicalities of filming (setting up specific shots). On the blank pages on the reverse of the script, some sketches have been drawn, blocking in particular scenes (for example, showing the movement of one character during the scene).
      • The script shows five distinct periods of annotation: red felt pen, lead pencil, blue ink, black ink 1, and black ink 2. Black ink 1, in particular, seems to be a distinctly different hand (see, for example, page 59).
      • Red felt pen and lead pencil both seem to be annotations to do with the staging of the scenes. Blue ink and black ink 1&2 are primarily corrections or alterations to the dialogue. Blue ink and black ink 1 are not the same handwriting; blue ink and black ink 2 may be (see, for example, page 42).
      • Black ink 1 seems to be a last-minute run through the script, changing or specifying details: for example, on page 30, in the line 'I was nowhere near (SPECIFY AREA OF HOLD-UP)', the latter has been crossed out and replaced with 'Mordialloc' in black ink 1. Similar changes include adjusting the make and calibre of the guns in later dialogue and adding specific street addresses for characters.
      • The script also contains (as part of the script, not as annotation) detailed stage directions where necessary: for example, page 64 includes the direction 'Jump pan to a tree (which need not be tall but must be surrounded by dense foliage)'.
      • The final page includes a list of crew credits:
        Written by John Bragg.
        Edited by Jim Stapleton.
        Typed by Shirley Ballard, Hilary Burgess, Pamela Petersen, Margaret Younger, Christine Rook.
        Checked by Shirley Ballard, Hilary Burgess, Pamela Petersen, Laurel Vassett, Margaret Younger, Christine Rook.
        Duplicated by Pat Traynor.
        The section below this for 'Producer's Remarks' has been left blank.


      Held at: AFI Research Collection
      Local Id: SC HOM : 223
Last amended 24 Apr 2013 10:45:43