person or book cover
Script cover page (from the Crawford Collection at the AFI Research Collection)
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Issue Details: First known date: 1971... 1971 Maybe She'll Come Tomorrow
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

The script held in the Crawford Collection in the AFI Research Collection contains the following character notes (excluding regular characters):

'FRED HAYES: Early 20's. [Note: '20' is written in blue ink above the character's age.] University student from impoverished home. Ardent political and religious activist but unpopular with most other students.

'NORM HAYES: Mid 50's. Has affection for wife and children but can be brutal and sadistic.

'MARGE HAYES: Mid 50's. Norm her second husband. She still suffers pangs of guilt as a result of having sent her adopted son back to a home at the age of six.

'GAIL HAYES: About 20. [Note: '19' is written in blue ink above the character's age.] Long hair, fairly attractive. Warm-hearted - has problem of her own but sympathetic towards her brother Fred, and "stepbrother" Ken.

'KEN WEBSTER: Aged 28. [Note: '24' is written in blue ink above the character's age.] Marge's adopted son by former marriage. Rejected by her after her second marriage. Of below-average intelligence, this rejection has left its mark.

'MARTIN FOSTER: About 20. Student friend of Fred, financially better off. Gail's boyfriend. Physically strong, but morally weak and vacillating.

'MRS. FOSTER: Late 40's. Martin's mother. Socially active, she's ceased to exhibit more than a mild interest in her son.

'BILL SMYTHE: About 20. Short, seedy youth. Ken's mate.

'FATHER REGAN: Mid 40's. In charge of boys' home. Irish?

'MR. JARVIS: Mid 30's. Swimming-pool manager.

'CHARLES WEBSTER: Approx. 54 years. Pilot. Bitter about separation from wife.

'MRS. METCALFE: Late 60's. Boarding-house landlady.

'MR. RYDER: Mid 40's. Manager of Starlight drive-in.

'JACK SMITH: Attendant, Starlight drive-in.





  • This entry has been compiled from archival research in the Crawford Collection (AFI Research Collection), undertaken by Dr Catriona Mills under the auspices of the 2012 AFI Research Collection (AFIRC) Research Fellowship.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

      1971 .
      person or book cover
      Script cover page (from the Crawford Collection at the AFI Research Collection)
      Extent: 69p.
      (Manuscript) assertion
      • The script is labelled on the cover page 'Episode MP'. '320' has been added in dark-blue ink, although it aired as episode 321. (This annotation appears to have been subsequently altered with lead pencil to read '321'.) A notation in the top right-hand corner of the cover page indicates that this copy of the script was for producer Nigel Lovell.
      • The list of characters shows signs of having been used as an impromptu casting call sheet. It has been annotated twice: actors' names have been added in blue pen next to the characters' name, then the names of those not given the part have been crossed out. In some instances, clarification of the characters’ ages has also been added in blue pen in some instances. (See character notes.)
      • The script is annotated throughout script in blue pen. The annotations include deletion of and changes to dialogue, suggestions of sections that can be cut for time, and some clarification of stage directions. Most of the alterations have attendant explanations on the reverse of the proceeding page (for example, 'Cut for time', 'Clarification', 'This didn’t work'.)
      • The script might have been annotated in two different hands: on the reverse of page 10, a note to an addition to the dialogue on page 11 reads 'Amended by editor'.


      Held at: AFI Research Collection
      Local Id: SC HOM : 321
Note: Neither the script nor the usual alternate sources suggest a director for this episode.
Last amended 29 May 2013 15:00:22