'Traumatised by life, Frizzy and Pekin, his lovable lame duck, wander into a rainbow and journey through a number of fantastic lands to prevent The Shaman of Shadows from usurping the Realms of Peace and Glory. Frizzy and Pekin learn they cannot leave the arc of the rainbow until Frizzy fulfils his purpose there. Toughened up by their adventures, they become a force to be reckoned with. Along the way they find kindly helpers whose patronage helps them destroy their evil pursuers and free other rainbow travellers imprisoned by the Gryphon. Frizzy gives up his only sure chance of getting home, in order to rescue a further group of lost souls. On his travels, magic, insight, joy, pain and humour, all combine to heal Frizzy's body and soul. But will his rainbow friends keep their word and ensure his safe return to his own world?' (Publisher's blurb)