'Stories of Love and Deception is a keenly engaging discussion of our most dearly-held values and their ramifications. Ludicrous and incisive, this collection invites us to confront those questions of morality most threatening to life as we know it. Day One, A Hotel, Evening - Graciously irreverent, this play explores the revelations of three couples entangled in a web of extra-marital indiscretions. It asks us, 'What is love?' in a glaringly honest, deeply searching and ultimately sobering way. True Minds - An irresistible portrait of courage and inner conviction, True Minds is cogent and facetious. When two families on the brink of matrimonial union become stranded in a freak storm, will the couple's dawning incompatibility coax them to fight for integrity as the only reliably stable choice? Fury - After the news of their 19-year-old son's hate crime on a local mosque, Alice, an award-winning, cancer-curing scientist, and husband Patrick, a novelist,are forced into a whirlwind of self-examination and stripping back of decades-old secrets. In the harrowing unfolding of hypocrisies and brash pragmatism, Fury hones in on our true motivations and their lasting consequences.'
Strawberry Hills : Currency Press , 2015 pg. 145-202