The script held in the Crawford Collection in the AFI Research Collection includes the following character notes:
'DAVID PARKES: The Great Bullion Robber. Mid 30's to 40's. English. A quiet, solid character whose appearance and manner bear no resemblance to the Scarlet Pimpernel figure who everybody imagines the great robber to be. He's set up in Matlock living with Susan on a small run down farm which they hope to build up. David is devoted to Susan and has purposely avoided marrying her because he knows that it's more than likely one day that he will have to move on. Thru' Susan he has met Gary Hogan. Because of the common interest they share in bike riding, a warm relationship has developed. In many ways David is like Hogan in that everyone who meets him likes him but he is happier leading the quiet life (for obvious reasons) and apart from helping Sue and Hogan out with the kids' bike rides, rarely gets further than helping fix a fence on a neighbouring farm.
'SUE MIDDLETON: About 25ish. Sue is the daughter of a wealthy district grazier who has turned her back on "la dolca vita" to go and live with David Parkes. She is totally devoted to him (as he is to her) and yet has no idea of his famous past. Only when she finds out about David does she stop and question her happy existence and realise how much he has given to her formally shallow life.
'JACK MIDDLETON: Sue's father, a wealthy Matlock Grazier who has given Sue everything he could - a good education, the obligatory overseas trip, skiing holidays, etc. He can't understand Sue throwing all this away to go and live with David Parkes. Jack is very much of the old school in that he feels that people shouldn't live together unless they are married. Jack's wife has been bed-ridden for 2 years and he feels that Sue's actions haven't helped matters, despite this Jack can't help liking David in a funny sort of way - at least he works hard and hasn't got long hair. However there will always be a deep rooted resentment to any man who won't assume the responsibilities of marriage. Typical of his breed, Jack is the first one to turn against David when he finds out who he is.
'TOMMY HAYES: About 40. The head of Scotland Yard's flying Squad [sic]. A bachelor, he has devoted ten years of his life to tracking down and apprehending the nine Gold Bullion Robbers. Although he's never met Parkes he knows him almost intimately through his study of the man and his life. Hayes is determined, confident and an excellent policeman though at times he is a little bewildered by the Australian country and the way its police work.
'BRUCE ROSS-SMITH: About 30. Another member of the Scotland Yard Flying Squad. A typical ex-public school boy who tends to upset Maddern and York with his seemingly condescending attitude and plum in mouth talk. In fact it's just his upper class mannerisms which no Australian can quite cope with. A clever policeman who is also amazed by the Australian bush.
'DROVER: Typical of his breed. One line. Should ride.
'PILOT: Actual, hopefully we will use Ansetts Helicopter as in a previous episode of Matlock.
'EXTRAS: As many as we can afford for the final scene outside Police Station.
'MIKE: Young boy at trail bike track - couple of lines.
'BOY: Also a trail bike track - one line.'