The following information is derived from a limited cast list held in the Crawford Collection:
Elspeth Ballantyne (Rhoda Bitov), Owen Weingott (Anton Bitov), Jessica Ball (Maria Bitov), Nina Gregory (Natalia Bitov), John Krummell (Andrew Taylor), Robert Brockman (Billy Hall), Cul Cullen (Jack Bell), and Roger Carroll (Fats).
The casting call sheets held in the Crawford Collection also show the following information:
Other actors considered for the role of Anton Bitov included Alistair Duncan, Ron Haddrick, Alfred Sandor, and Brian James.
Other actors considered for the role of Natalia Bitov included Doreen Warburton and Shirley Cameron.
Other actors considered for the role of Billy Hall included Barry Barkla, John Deerim, John Cobley, and John Allen.
Bill Bennett was cast as Mr Gardener.
Actors considered for the role of Tom Moore were Danny Burke and Stephen Overall.
Keith Halliwell was hired as the stunt driver.
The four schoolgirl extras were played by Rebecca Grey, Eileen and Noela Pregent, and Rowena Davidson.
Two dogs were provided for the production, described as 'Savage Dog' and 'Trained Red Setter'.