The following information is derived from the casting call sheets held in the Crawford Collection:
Gus Mercurio (Toni Carboni), John Ewart ('Buttercup' Sands), Beverley Phillips (Edie), Matthew Crosby (Monty), Edward Howell (Dr Sutherland), Kevin Leslie (Jack Birsett), John Cavanagh (Transport Driver), Jim Gleeson (Uniformed Policeman 1), Louis Seater (Uniformed Policeman 2), Lynette Condy (Nurse), Natasha Merisinski (Girl: Extra), Bert Ross (Hospital Visitor: Extra), and Noel O'Connor (Passing Motorist).
The casting call sheets also show the following information:
Other actors considered for the role of Edie included Janne Coghlan.
Other actors considered for the role of Transport Driver included Robert Rogers.
Tony Sprague was included as stuntman for Hogan, but was cancelled: the casting call sheets indicate 'Stunt not req. / Sc. to be re-written'.
The actors considered for the role of Detective Inspector Philip Roach included Owen Weingott, Denzil Howson, and Carl Bleazby. Storey lists the actor taking the role as John Edwards.