The script held in the Crawford Collection in the AFI Research Collection includes the following character notes:
'DES MUNRO Early thirties. Small time crim, moderately successful. Trying to enlarge his field by using gelignite to blow safes. Specialises in jobs on churches - which is linked beneath the surface to a deep religious upheaval somewhere in his past. Disparage, scoff, protest as he may, there is still some belief lingering there.
'FRAN CARMODY Early-mid twenties. Catholic. Very strong on religion. Believes everybody should have some sort of faith. Doubtful about Munro at first, but decides that he is in need of spiritual help and that perhaps she can supply it, or part of it. Possibly attracted to him as well, but too self-possessed and single minded to let it show.
'DOREEN LANE 35-40. Has been getting around with Munro for some time. Returns with him to Matlock to see her father - and also to pick up some easy money. (She helps in a minor way with his jobs). Conscious of the age difference between herself and Munro, suspicious of any younger woman in whom he takes an interest. Has been kissed-off so many times before, she is determined not to let it happen again.
'TED LANE Around 60. Possibly older. Doreen's father. A farmer who has tried to discipline his daughter from an early age. Now reconciled to her loose behaviour, no longer voices his disapproval - but still retaining some hopes for her.
'FATHER RYAN 50-60. Priest of Matlock's largest Roman Catholic church.
'OXLEY 30-40. Though age not important. Explosives expert called in to defuse the sacristy safe.
'SIMPSON 40-50. Runs a small farm on the outskirts of Matlock. Well known for his anti-religious, particularly Anti-Catholic [sic] views.
'WHITEHEAD Late teens, early twenties. Boozy young lout who gets a kick out of playing around with explosives.
'SYKES Whitehead's mate, same age, attitudes - but subservient to Whitehead.
'HUTCHINSON Licensee of the Railway Hotel, about the lowest grade hotel in Matlock.
'EXTRAS For church scenes, also for montage.'