person or book cover
Script cover page (Crawford Collection at the AFI Research Collection)
form y separately published work icon Voice of the Gun single work   film/TV   crime  
Issue Details: First known date: 1972... 1972 Voice of the Gun
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

The script held in the Crawford Collection in the AFI Research Collection contains the following character notes (excluding regular characters):

'JENNY FRANKLIN: Late 20's. Attractive, intelligent, forthright. A widely travelled but unpretentious girl. She has a clear idea of what she wants from life and goes about it with a realistic determination.

'ALBERT REGAN: 40's. A seasoned criminal whose career to date has been non-violent. He's very much a loner who, through circumstances, has teamed up with a young criminal for a prison escape, and then finds himself caught up in a treadmill of cause and effect, beyond his comprehension and control.

'DESMOND BAKER: 19. A small and unattractive juvenile crim driven to violence by social impotence. Confused and unstable.

'MRS. REGAN: 40ish. An unintelligent rather weak woman. Uncritical, easily committed.

'DEBBIE REGAN: 19. Attractive rather tarty girl who possibly looks older than her years following a precarious introduction to prostitution. Already her emotions are calloused by her conscious suppression of any tenderness or warmth.

'BOYFRIEND: 30's. Unprincipled opportunist. A well-to-do bludger - totally lacking in taste or courage.

'HARRY JACKS: 40's. Plump, squat, sleazily prosperous - a fringe crim and fence.

'MR. APEX: 50's. A small and balding hole-in-the-wall businessman, who lives in the wood-work at an all-but-condemned office building.

'KERRY MICHAELS: 19. Attractive childlike dreamy pot-head.

'LORRAINE HUNT: Late 20's. Attractive, tall, dominant when required, a sometime incestuous mother-figure to Kerry.

'REVEREND LEWIS: 50's. Trying very hard to be up with it. A man who makes much of his contact with the world of the delinquent but contributes little. Rather glib and superficial.

'INSPECTOR CRAINE: 40's. Seasoned Homicide Inspector. Physically impressive, alert and decisive.


'PRESTON: Established.


'PASSERBY: Middle aged woman.



'WOMAN CASUALTY: Middle aged.


'CONSTABLE FRASER: Suggest stunt man for death scene.

'JILL FRASER: 20's. Wife of fatally wounded policeman. One important scene with Dwyer.







'WEIRDO: 20'ish.'


  • This entry has been compiled from archival research in the Crawford Collection (AFI Research Collection), undertaken by Dr Catriona Mills under the auspices of the 2012 AFI Research Collection (AFIRC) Research Fellowship.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

      ca. 1972 .
      person or book cover
      Script cover page (Crawford Collection at the AFI Research Collection)
      Extent: 129p.
      (Manuscript) assertion
      • The script is labelled 'Episode PP4' on the cover page. According to a notation in the top right-hand corner of the cover page, this copy of the script was designated for 'File'.
      • There are no signs of annotation on this copy of the script.
      • The file also contains a two-page cast list for this episode (access to which is restricted) and a one-page production schedule.


      Held at: AFI Research Collection
      Local Id: SC DIV : 185
Last amended 28 May 2013 15:36:19