The following information is derived from material held in the Crawford Collection:
Barry Pierce (Det. Blakely), Tim Evans (James Rankin), Billie Hammerberg (Alice Collins), Phil Brock (Lesley Green), Katy Morgan (Sandy), Louise Zele (Jenny), Margaret Spiewak (Pamela), Cliff Ellen (Truckie (Norm)), Max Davison (Chief Super Driver), Rod Ferguson (Divvy Van Cop #1), Keith Halliwell (Divvy Van Cop #2), Graham Mathrick (Double (Gary)), Fred Parslow (Chief Super), Alan Mitchell (Police Extra #1), Laurie Dobson (Police Extra #2), David Stevenson (Police Extra #3), Alex Donald (Police Extra #4), Ronald Bonnett (Police Extra #5), Ron Cole (Police Extra #6), Tom Adellin (Police Extra #7), Nick Scott (Police Extra #8), Bill Lilley (Police Extra #9), Alvin Rendall (Police Extra #10), Genevieve Prince (Police Extra #11), Molly Gage-Woods (Police Extra #12), Edwina Skelt (Police Extra #13), Leonie Germaine (Police Extra #14), Sophie George (Police Extra #15), Bruce Beck (Un. Cop #1), and Frank Spencer (Un. Cop #2).