Alternative title: Alexandra & Yea Standard, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Express; Alexandra and Yea Standard
Issue Details: First known date: 1877... 1877 Alexandra and Yea Standard, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Express
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  • For publication history, including details of mergers, etc, see:

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 1877
    • Alexandra, Alexandra - Eildon area, Yea - Eildon - Warburton area, Melbourne Outer North, Melbourne, Victoria,: J. J. Hamilton McColl , 1877-1908 .
      Link: Web resource Digital copy of print publication via Australian Newspapers (AN) Service.
      • Printed and published by John James Hamilton M'Coll, at the office of the Alexandra and Yea Standard, Downey Street, Alexandra, in the colony of Victoria.
      • Digitised issues available for the period 14 July 1877 to 14 February 1908. (Correct as of 10 December 2013.)

PeriodicalNewspaper Details

Weekly (Saturday)
No. 1 ([7] July 1877) - no. 239 (23 November 1883) ; new series, vol. 2 no. 78 (30 November 1883) - vol. 48 (14 February 1908)
Alexandra and Yea Standard, Thornton, Gobur and Acheron Express
Continued by:
Alexandra & Yea Standard and Yarck, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Standard
Includes advertising
Last amended 12 Dec 2013 07:42:21
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