y separately published work icon Australian Author periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2012... vol. 44 no. 4 December 2012 of Australian Author est. 1969 Australian Author
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* Contents derived from the , 2012 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Editorial, Michael Visontay , single work column (p. 4) Section: The Gutter
JK Rowling Twilight and ...Me, Keith Austin , single work column
'Keith Austin didn't just want to write a book for young adults. He wanted it to be something special, out of the box. Then years later, it's been published. here's what he learned...'
(p. 6-9)
From Tashi to Eternity, Anna Fienberg , single work column
'When children's author Anna Fienberg decided to write a novel for grown-ups, she discovered that leaving the world of young readers means starting from a cold clean slate.'
(p. 10-12)
More Pain than a Marketing Plan, Mark Dapin , single work column (p. 13) Section: Backburn
The Illustrator : Jill Carter-Hansen, single work interview (p. 14-15)
Leading by Trailing, Caroline Baum , single work column
'Book trailers, aka promotional videos, have become part of the marketing arsenal for big-name authors, writes Caroline Baum. But you have to choose your genre carefully.'
(p. 16-19)
Kim Scott, Christine Neubauer , single work biography (p. 20-22)
Standing up for Orphan Authors, Angelo Loukakis , single work column (p. 24-25)