The second annual compilation of the best fantasy and horror, covering work produced by Australian writers in 2011.
Greenwood : Ticonderoga Publications , 2012 pg. 313-318'Angel Dust is the first story collection by Australian rising star Ian McHugh. McHugh is a Writers of the Future winner, and has a number of significant overseas short fiction sales. Angel Dust collects 15 incredible fantastic visions. A number of these were first published in Asimov's and Beneath Ceaseless Skies. Four stories are original to this collection. Asimov's editor Sheila Williams says of this writer, "Ian McHugh has a remarkable ability to render the alien utterly convincing. His nonhuman lives are so powerfully depicted that we can easily, and sometimes uneasily, immerse ourselves completely into their worlds."' (Publication summary)
Nedlands : Ticonderoga Publications , 2014