'The play is about a diverse group of friends who go camping together every Christmas/New Year on Stradbroke Island. However, this year, the Bicentennial year, things go riotously out of kilter : it begins to rain and doesn't let up for days! The creek rises and cuts them off from civilisation ... the holiday now becomes a struggle for survival!
Friendships are strained, belongings are soggy, food becomes scarce. Relationships are stripped to the bone! The vigorous games of 'Bastard Ball' are replaced by the dividing up of the last sardine and the spelling out of S.O.S on the beach in XXXX empties!
The play is about migration within Australia—the annual Christmas trek. It's about playing games and having fun. It's about relationships that extend beyond family, and about the strain on those bonds when the food runs out!' Source: www.theatreworks.org.au/ (Sighted 08/10/2010).