y separately published work icon Nature Storybooks series - publisher   children's fiction   children's  
Issue Details: First known date: 2008... 2008 Nature Storybooks
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y separately published work icon Bilby Secrets Bilby : Secrets of an Australian Marsupial Edel Wignell , Mark Jackson (illustrator), Sydney : Walker Books Australia , 2011 Z1792366 2011 single work picture book children's 'A beautiful narrative non-fiction book which follows the life of a bilby, an Australian marsupial. The story depicts a young bilby’s birth, habitat, behaviour and diet. When Baby Bilby is born, he’s as long as your little toe. He crawls into his mother’s warm pouch, where he feeds and grows. Baby Bilby is soon ready to leave the safety of the burrow. He follows his mother closely, sniffs the night air, and hops into the moonlight for his first desert adventure.' (From the publisher's website.) Sydney : Walker Books Australia , 2011
y separately published work icon Python Chris Cheng , Mark Jackson (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2012 7211801 2012 single work picture book children's

'It s morning in the bush. Python stirs and slithers out from her shelter. She warms her head and smells the air with her forked tongue. Python is a beautiful snake, but also dangerous and she is looking for a meal.' (Publication summary)

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2012
y separately published work icon Flight of the Honey Bee Raymond Huber , Brian Lovelock (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2013 12333301 2013 single work picture book children's

The cold is coming and Scout is on a daring flight in search of the last flowers of autumn. Scout's mission is very dangerous, but it is also vital, because the flowers provide the precious nectar the hive needs to make honey. Can the hive make enough honey to survive the long winter months? (Source: back cover)

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2013
y separately published work icon Big Red Kangaroo Claire Saxby , Graham Byrne (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2013 Z1908811 2013 single work picture book children's

'Far inland, the sun floats on the waves of a bake-earth day. Big Red and his mob of kangaroos wait for night-time when they can search for food. Young male kangaroos wait too - ready to challenge Red and take his place as leader. ' (Publisher's blurb)

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2013
y separately published work icon Emu Claire Saxby , Graham Byrne (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2014 7243790 2014 single work picture book children's

'In the open forest, Emu watches over his nest. Gathering the granite-green eggs under soft feathers, Emu will care for them and protect the fluffy chicks once they hatch. The survival of this unusual family depends upon him.' (Publication summary)

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2014
y separately published work icon Platypus Sue Whiting , Mark Jackson (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2015 8818735 2015 single work picture book children's

'Platypus leaves his burrow in the riverbank and dives into the cool green pool. It is dusk and he is hungry. Platypus is always busy, always moving, looking for his next meal. Follow platypus as he plays, swims, dives and scurries around his riverbank home. ' (Publication summary)

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2015
y separately published work icon Desert Lake : The Story of Kati Thanda - Lake Eyre Pamela Freeman , Liz Anelli (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2016 9464715 2016 single work picture book children's

'The dry salt bed of Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre shimmers in the desert heat. But far up north, the rains have come. Water is flooding into empty riverbeds and swirling down towards the lake. Soon everything will change. ' (Publication summary)

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2016
y separately published work icon Koala Claire Saxby , Julie Vivas (illustrator), Glebe : Walker Books Australia , 2017 11615885 2017 single work picture book children's

'It is time for Little Koala to leave the protection of his mother. But many challenges and dangers lie ahead for him as he searches for his own home eucalypt and learns to be independent. During his search he encounters other territorial koalas, wanders through a bushfire-ravaged landscape and endures a night of storms.' (Synopsis)

Glebe : Walker Books Australia , 2017
y separately published work icon Gecko Raymond Huber , Brian Lovelock (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2017 12333378 2017 single work picture book children's

Welcome to the world of Gecko. He warms up on the sunbaked rocks in the evening before hunting for food. A cockroach makes a yummy snack. Watch out! A hawk is hunting! An exciting introduction to one of the most varied species of lizard on the planet. (Source: back cover)

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2017
y separately published work icon Dingo Claire Saxby , Tannya Harricks (illustrator), Glebe : Walker Books Australia , 2018 13753131 2018 single work picture book children's

'The night is young and there is hunting to be done. An exciting new addition to the narrative non-fiction series Nature Storybooks, about dingoes.

'Can you see her? There – deep in the stretching shadows – a dingo. Her pointed ears twitch. Her tawny eyes flash in the low-slung sun. Dingo listens. Dusk is a busy time. Dusk is the time for hunting. This lyrical non-fiction picture book is written by award-winning author Claire Saxby and stunningly illustrated by fine artist Tannya Harricks.'  (Publication summary)


Glebe : Walker Books Australia , 2018
y separately published work icon Searching for Cicadas Lesley Gibbes , Judy Watson (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2019 15944298 2019 single work picture book children's

'This lovely story about a child and their grandfather searching for cicadas is part of the award-winning narrative nonfiction Nature Storybooks series.

In the summertime, Grandpa and I go cicada-watching. We put our camping gear into my wagon and walk down to the local reserve. Last year we saw five Green Grocers, three Yellow Mondays and one Floury Baker. Can we find the rare Black Prince this year? This heartwarming nonfiction picture book is written by award-winning author Lesley Gibbes and gorgeously illustrated by Judy Watson.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2019
y separately published work icon Dry To Dry : The Seasons Of Kakadu Pamela Freeman , Liz Anelli (illustrator), Melbourne : Walker Books Australia , 2020 19557156 2020 single work picture book children's

'This Nature Storybook follow-up to the award-winning Desert Lake is a stunningly illustrated and extraordinary story of the yearly weather cycle and attendant changing wildlife of Kakadu National Park, from the Dry to the Wet to the Dry again.

'In the tropical wetlands and escarpments of Kakadu National Park, the seasons move from dry to wet to dry again. Those seasons have shaped the astonishing variety of plants, animals, birds, insects ... migratory birds by the thousands, grasshoppers and owls, lizards and turtles, fruit bats and spear grass. And, gliding past them all in the rivers and waterholes, the long, sinuous shapes of crocodiles ...'

(Source: publisher's blurb)

Melbourne : Walker Books Australia , 2020
y separately published work icon Kookaburra Claire Saxby , Tannya Harricks (illustrator), Melbourne : Walker Books Australia , 2020 19557207 2020 single work picture book children's

'An exciting new addition to the narrative nonfiction series Nature Storybooks, about kookaburras.

'In the crinkled shadows night-dwellers yawn, day-creatures stretch and Kookaburra laughs. Kook-kook-kook. Kak-kak-kak.

'The team behind Dingo is back again with a new addition to the Nature Storybooks series. The kookaburra, perhaps Australia's best-loved bird, is shown in all her glory in a stunning and vivid landscape. Follow along as Kookaburra finds food for her young and goes searching for a nest with her mate.

'Full of fun and interesting facts about kookaburras - perfect for nature lovers and budding wildlife scientists.' (Publication summary)

Melbourne : Walker Books Australia , 2020
y separately published work icon Great White Shark Claire Saxby , Cindy Lane (illustrator), Melbourne : Walker Books Australia , 2021 20450238 2021 single work picture book children's

'The latest instalment in the Nature Storybooks series, about the largest ocean predator – the great white shark. Follow a female great white shark as she travels the ocean, looking for new hunting grounds and giving birth to her litter of pups. Stunning illustrations, lyrical prose and intriguing facts celebrate this majestic and unfairly maligned creature.' (Publication summary)

Melbourne : Walker Books Australia , 2021
y separately published work icon Wombat Chris Cheng , Liz Duthie (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2021 20983333 2021 single work picture book children's 'Far underground, where dirt and tree roots mesh, are tunnels that lead to a burrow, and in this burrow Wombat’s day begins. A story about the life of a wombat, looking at the interesting way these animals build their homes, look after their family and protect themselves from predators. Wombat is a new addition to the Nature Storybooks series, which feature a lyrical narrative and engaging nonfiction combined with stunning artwork to pique the curiosity of young minds.' (Publication summary) Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2021
y separately published work icon The Echidna Near My Place Sue Whiting , Cate James (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2022 23605527 2022 single work picture book children's

'A delightful addition to the Nature Storybooks series, The Echidna Near My Place tells the story of a child and their nana, and the echidna they love to follow around

'Nana and I walk through the paddock most days. And you know what? An echidna lives here. We don’t always see it. But I’m always looking for it.

'As a young child and their nana go for walks together, they follow a short-beaked echidna keenly observing and discussing what its life might be life. Learn with them about what echidnas eat, where they live, and how they protect themselves.

'A wonderful addition to the acclaimed and award-winning Nature Storybook series, which provides memorable reading experiences, combining narrative and factual forms.' (Publication summary)

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2022
y separately published work icon Tasmanian Devil Claire Saxby , Max Hamilton (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2022 23973271 2022 single work picture book children's

'An engaging addition to the Nature Storybooks series, Tasmanian Devil showcases different elements of the habitat, behaviours, and day to day life of one of Australia's most famous marsupials.

'In Tasmanian Devil award-winning author Claire Saxby and talented artist Max Hamilton tell the story of two imps, or young devils. As the book progresses the brother and sister grow and venture further from the den, exploring more and more of their world in this stunning Nature Storybook.'  (Publication summary)

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2022
y separately published work icon The Beehive Megan Daley , Max Hamilton (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2024 27267275 2024 single work picture book children's

'An amazing look into the native stingless bee, the heroes of pollination, from celebrated teacher librarian and author Megan Daley and CBCA shortlisted illustrator Maxine Hamilton.

'It's finally hive day! Willow has been waiting all year for groundskeeper Tom to split the school's native stingless beehive in two so she can take home her very own hive. Everything needs to be just right to help so that the bees forage and thrive in their new home.

'The dual text results in a charming story alongside an abundance of fascinating facts about Australia's native bees.'  (Publication summary)

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2024
y separately published work icon Seed to Sky : Life in the Daintree Pamela Freeman , Liz Anelli (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2024 27477908 2024 single work picture book children's

'Every wonderful word is true!

'In the oldest rainforest on Earth, on the oldest continent, a seed falls to the ground.
Over hundreds of years, the seed will grow into a sapling reaching for the sunlight, to become a tree towering above the rainforest canopy.

'Generations of insects, butterflies, bird, lizards, snakes and an abundance of native wildlife will bear witness to the magnificent Bull Kauri pine...'(Publication summary)

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2024
y separately published work icon Quoll Chris Cheng , Cindy Lane (illustrator), Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2025 29737690 2025 single work picture book children's

'The blue-black sky is painted with glistening stars. Quoll has woken. It's playtime here in the moonlit night.

'Join a female Eastern quoll and her playful pups as they venture through the forest and fields on their nightly hunt for food.' (Publication summary)

Newtown : Walker Books Australia , 2025

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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