This film is a 'silent Australian feature based around the popular wartime song "It's a Long Way to Tipperary",' by Jack Judge. Set in Ireland, it is the story of Molly Malone and her love Paddy O'Reilly who goes to war. Only fragments of this film remain.
Source: Andrew Pike and Ross Cooper, 'Australian Film 1900-1977', Oxford University Press, 1998, p. 50.
Contemporary accounts suggest a complex performance piece:
Mr George Dean, known through the Commonwealth as an actor-vocalist, will appear, under engagement, in an entirely original moving picture song film, illustrating the British soldiers' song 'It's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary.' This specially filmed subject is a splendid piece of cinematography. The synopsis of events is as follows: The Irish reel; Paddy and his sweetheart, Molly; Paddy leaves for London; enlisting in the British army; Molly's grief; Paddy on active service; Moloney as a spy revenges himself upon Paddy; Paddy at his post meets disaster; wounded; recovery; returns to Molly - and Tipperary; wedding, and happiness. Mr George Dean has a fine voice, and his season of six nights with Cartwright's Pictures should be one of the biggest attractions of the picture season.
Source: 'Singing Pictures', The North Western Advocate and the Emu Bay Times, Monday 13 September 1915, p.4