'They say there are only two things you can count on........but that was before DEATH started pondering the existential. Now DEATH is missing, presumed....er ....retired?
Retirement can leave you with a lot of time on your hands. DEATH is about to spend his time finding out what it means to be human. Of course part of being human is being mortal - a factor that could turn out to be a problem in his search for greener pastures.
In this funny, insightful play DEATH, like many a laid off worker before him, takes a temporary job reaping the harvest on Miss Flitworth's farm. A perfect day job for someone who is handy with a scythe.
Unfortunately for everyone else on the Discworld, this vacancy in one of the more important sections of the public service leads to chaos and unrest. Particularly for the wizard Windle Poons who, try as he might, just can't seem to get the hang of perishing on his own.
Not to worry, he has no intention of taking this lying down, and has all the undead (or should we say "differently alive") members of The Fresh Start Club to help him.
Can Windle Poons become an expert DIY before the vacancy is filled with a less user friendly DEATH than the one we have come to know and love? And what's going to happen to all of the other souls floating around?
What can the harvest hope for, if not for the care of the Reaper Man?
Who knew that DEATH could be hilarious when he finds out that "life is a habit that is awfully hard to break"? - Pratchett of course!' Source: http://www.unseen.com.au/ (Sighted 25/09/2012).