The Architecture of Pear single work   poetry   "One pear is built by its words the other assembled in paint"
Issue Details: First known date: 2000-2009... 2000-2009 The Architecture of Pear
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon ArtsACT artsACT , Canberra : artsACT , 2000-2009 Z1888415 2000-2009 website Canberra : artsACT , 2000-2009
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Award Winning Australian Writing 2012 Adolfo Aranjuez (editor), Melbourne : Melbourne Books , 2012 Z1909047 2012 anthology poetry short story

    'Now in its fifth edition, Award Winning Australian Writing (AWAW) continues its commitment to showcasing the best short stories and poems that have won competitions around the country. This year, Melbourne Books is again expanding the project, increasing the number of featured pieces to over fifty. AWAW 2012 will also proudly include a foreword by Mark Tredinnick, winner of the 2011 Montreal Poetry Prize and the 2012 Cardiff International Poetry Prize, and author of The Blue Plateau, Fire Diary and nine other acclaimed works of poetry and prose.AWAW's four editions have been received very favourably, with support from Lisa Dempster (Emerging Writers' Festival director), Philip Rainford (Fellowship of Australian Writers president), and authors Arnold Zable and Delia Falconer, all of whom have written forewords for the book. The critic Matthew Lamb, in The Australian, commended the "invaluable service" AWAW offers to the literary community, while, in The Age, reviewer Lorien Kaye celebrates that AWAW gives readers a chance "to value these winners". Similar sentiments are expressed by author Irma Gold, who wrote in Overland that AWAW is "a must read"; The Age critic Cameron Woodhead, who noted that "some of the contributions possess startling power"; and critic Patrick Allington, who praised the "impressive new voices" and "energy and inventiveness" collected in the book.The 2012 edition will feature the work of both emerging and established authors, including Ron Pretty, Susan McCreery, Lisa Jacobson, Kevin Gillam, Laura Jean McKay and A. S. Patric. Competitions appearing in the 2012 edition include:* Lord Mayor's Creative Writing Awards* Sydney Poetry Prize* The Age Short Story Competition* Gwen Harwood Poetry Prize* Katharine Susannah Prichard Awards* Overland Judith Wright Poetry Prize* ANU Short Story Competition' (Publication summary)

    Melbourne : Melbourne Books , 2012
    pg. 278-279
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