y separately published work icon The Cairns Post newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1890... 19 July 1890 of The Cairns Post est. 1883 The Cairns Post
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* Contents derived from the , 1890 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Woodman, Spare that Tree, single work column
An editorial praising the prinicipal of the Cairns State School for his support of the Education Department's annual arbour day. The writer believes encouraging children to grow plants teaches them lessons in love and care that endure into adulthood.
(p. 2)
[Untitled], single work column
'We are informed by Mr. Slade that Messrs. E. Martin and Son have generously offered to supply all the timber, free of charge, required for the results of the first Arbour Day in Cairns.'
(p. 2)
Note: In 'General News'
Cairns Liedertafel, single work review
A very enthusiastic review of the third Cairns Liedertafel concert, the only reservations being the piano and the acoustic properties of the Divisional Hall. The writer states: 'We do not wish to hurt the feelings of the instrument, but we cannot help remarking that when the bottom fell out of it some time ago all the harmony escaped.'. The honorary conductor, Mr Slade, was deservedly presented with a golden lyre fashioned by a local jeweller.
(p. 2 - 3)
Castlemainei"The shades of night were falling fast,", single work poetry (p. 3)