An independent fantasy film, written and produced in Australia, but with a European subject matter.
'The Julian Paradox is a story of the love between a father and his daughter who have been separated by two thousand years. The daughter is Julia Kayser, a young doctor living in rural Britain in the year 1943 and her father is a great aristocrat from the long distant past.
The prophecy that tells of his arrival in the twentieth century is known only by one man, a strange druid and the last of his kind, who has inherited the ancient ritual to return him to his own time. When Julia's life is threatened the great man will not attempt to leave until she is found, despite the ramifications.
An unusual triumvirate is formed and the race against time begins with the local police just one step behind them. Will Dr Julia be rescued in time and can her father be returned to the pages of history to fulfill his destiny - or will he be trapped in the twentieth century, altering the flow of history to allow the Nazis to win WWII?'
Source: Official site ( (Sighted: 13/7/2012)