Regular cast members included Shaun Micallef (Charlie Buchanan), Kat Stewart (Nicola Buchanan), Jonny Pasvolsky (Peter Vinetti) , and Lucy Honigman (Jess Chalmers).
Recurring cast members included Ben Geurens (Alan) and Georgina Naidu (Janine).
In production by September 2012.
Episode one aired 20 February 2013. The final episode aired 15 May 2013.
List of episodes:
1. Early Checkout (Kirsty Fisher).
2. A Dog's Life (John Hugginson).
3. En Vogue (Marieke Hardy).
4. Atlas Drugged (Bridie O'Neill).
5. Lost Soul (Christine Bartlett).
6. The Next Best Man (Sian Davies).
7. Thoroughly Dead Thoroughbred (Jay Barnes).
8. A Flare for Murder (Timothy Hobart).
9. The Art of Murder (Timothy Hobart).
10. Little Boxes (Harold Jordan).
11. Keeping Up Appearances (Katherine Thomson).
12. Zootopia (Jonathan Gavin).
13. The Course Whisperer (Timothy Hobart).