Ace Books began publishing genre fiction in 1952. Initially these were mostly in the tête-bêche (double) format, but they also published a few single volumes in the early years. The tête-bêche format was discarded in 1973, with later doubles being published adjacent to each other. Between 1952 and 1968, the books had a letter-series identifier; and after that date they were given five-digit numeric serial numbers. Ace stopped publishing its doubles series sometime around 1978.
Number in series: 31755Inaugurated by Orion in 2011, Gateway originally republished significant works of science fiction. By 2015, it had a catalogue of nearly three thousand titles, by over two hundred authors. Latterly, it has extended its catalogue to classic works of fantasy, horror, and crime, as well as science fiction.
It is a companion series to SF Masterworks.
Only works on the list by Australian authors are included on AustLit.
Sources include