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Screen cap (Ned Kelly's last stand at Glenrowan)
form y separately published work icon The Story of the Kelly Gang single work   film/TV  

'Charles Tait is most often credited as the film's director, and his brothers Frank and John as the scriptwriters.'

Source: Sally Jackson and Graham Shirley, 'The Story of the Kelly Gang' (2006).

Issue Details: First known date: 1906... 1906 The Story of the Kelly Gang
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Film Details - Johnson and Gibson ; J. and N. Tait , 1906


William Gibson, Millard Johnson, John Tait, and Nevin Tait (producers).

Production Companies:

J. and N. Tait.
Johnson and Gibson.


The actual cast members are the subject of some debate; the only two positive identifed are Lizzie Tait (as stunt double to the actress playing Kate Kelly) and John Forde (as Dan Kelly).

Release Dates:

Australia: 26 December 1906; Great Britain: January 1908; USA 1910.


  • Filmed in Victoria. According to the National Film and Sound Archive,

    'Advertisements and reviews say the film was shot on actual Kelly gang locations including Glenrowan, but it is more likely the locations were closer to home. Much of the action appears to have been filmed on the Charterisville Estate near Heidelberg, now a Melbourne suburb. This large property was leased by Lizzie Tait’s family as a dairy farm. The nearby Rosanna railway station may have been the location of the Glenrowan Hotel scenes, but there is little conclusive evidence of this.'

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