'Two exhibitions titled 'Liverpool/Liverpool : The Skin of Translation' by Elizabeth Day were shown almost simultaneously in September 2010 at St George's Hall in Liverpool UK and in Liverpool, Australia. This fortuitous synchronicity of Liverpool/Liverpool (the shows overlapped for a month) consolidates the circuit of sending and return that characterises the colonial relation. Indeed, the journey Day and her family made from Lancashire to Hobart when she was 10 years old is the very same trajectory she retraced for her show at St George's Hall.'
'...Day invited four migrant writers of various origins - Sarah Day (her sister), Nasrin Mahoutchi, Catherine Rey and Ouyang Yu - to subvert and further overwrite [the] Englishness in the very fabric of garden lawn. Using a system of plaster casts, Day has grown turf over the plaster letters of their texts in a process which is literally a form of underground typesetting.' (pp. 1, 5)