'Much-loved Australian novelist and playwright Barry Oakley is back at the MTC after 32 years, with the world premiere of Music. Richard Piper stars as Jack, whose terminal struggle with cancer inspires his loved ones to sort their lives out. Playing Jack's wife Margie is another darling of MTC, Jane Menelaus.
Jack has been given three months to live. He surrenders to his battle with cancer the moment the clock starts to tick, clowning around and waiting the time out with music, morphine and whiskey. For his wife, estranged brother and an estranged old friend, however, time is fast running out.
At the heart of Margie's urgency to be honest with her husband is the tragic death of their only son and the spiral of irresponsible behaviour that followed, by husband and wife. The guilt of their past actions arrives at full force as an emotionally overwrought Jack teeters on the edge and Margie weighs up the cost of saying mea culpa to a dying husband.
Music is a bittersweet symphony to a dying man by those who he once laughed with and loved - and might love him still.' (Source : http://www.au.timeout.com/melbourne/theatre/events/1802/music)
Performed at Fairfax Studio Melbourne 9 November - 22 December 2012
Cast and Crew
Janet Andrewartha Actor
Paul English Actor
Richard Piper Actor
Ian McDonald Composer
Marg Horwell Designer
Aidan Fennessy Director
Lisa Mibus Lighting Designer
Barry Oakley Playwright