y separately published work icon Japan Diary single work   diary   children's fiction   children's  
Issue Details: First known date: 2005... 2005 Japan Diary
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Japan Diary presents two diaries from exchange students in Japan and Australia. Amy writes about her experiences in Japan in 'My Double Summer' from the time when she applies for an exchange until her departure after six months staying in Japan with the Nakagawa family. At the same time, Taro Nakagawa stays in Australia with Amy's family and records his experiences and thoughts in his diary 'Dragon Boy, Hero!'

The two perspectives presented by Amy and Taro provide a fascinating insight into two very different cultures. Both highlight not only the unique qualities of each culture, but also the fact that we all share very similar needs and social interactions. Trudy White has successfully captured the voices of these two teenage students as they learn to cope in a foreign land, struggle with the language, different traditions and expectations, and also learn the value of friendship, trust and openness.

The simple and effective illustrations by the author add significant detail to the text, as well as reflecting the views and experiences of the two students. This book will engage young teenagers as they relate to the dilemmas and challenges faced by Amy and Taro. It also provides an interesting exploration of Australian and Japanese cultures from alternative perspectives.' (Publisher's blurb)


  • Contains 2 titles on inverted pages.

Affiliation Notes

  • This work is affiliated with the AustLit subset Asian-Australian Children's Literature and Publishing because it has an Asian setting.


* Contents derived from the Carlton, Parkville - Carlton area, Melbourne - North, Melbourne, Victoria,:Curriculum Corporation , 2005 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
My Double Summer : Amelia Deerson's Japan Diary, Trudy White , single work diary (p. 1-65)
Dragon Boy, Hero! : Taro Nakagawa's Australia Diary, Trudy White , single work diary (p. 1-71)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Works about this Work

Reading and Viewing : Asia and Australia's Engagement with Asia Deborah McPherson , 2011 single work review
— Appears in: English in Australia , vol. 46 no. 2 2011; (p. 87-88)

— Review of Japan Diary Trudy White , 2005 single work diary children's fiction ; Moonshadow : Eye of the Beast Simon Higgins , 2008 single work children's fiction ; see more review subjects
Reading and Viewing : Asia and Australia's Engagement with Asia Deborah McPherson , 2011 single work review
— Appears in: English in Australia , vol. 46 no. 2 2011; (p. 87-88)

— Review of Japan Diary Trudy White , 2005 single work diary children's fiction ; Moonshadow : Eye of the Beast Simon Higgins , 2008 single work children's fiction ; see more review subjects
Last amended 16 Jan 2012 16:15:46
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