'"There is no better, there is no more open door by which you can enter into the study of natural philosophy than by considering the physical phenomena of a candle." Michael Faraday
More than 150 years ago, Michael Faraday saw beauty and wonder in the chemistry of a candle. His observations remain true today and the lessons are both simple and profound. Join Faraday at St Paul's Cathedral for a truly illuminating theatre performance. Society has changed, technology has advanced, language has evolved, but the phenomena underpinning a candle remain constant. Today, candles are rarely seen outside birthday cakes, churches, romantic dinners and power failures, but are no less fascinating. In fact, these contexts provide an insight to the enduring value of the candle; celebration, worship, emotion and the ever-present need for light.' Source: http://re-science.org.au (Sighted 28/09/2011).