Includes Managerial Notice:
'It has come to the knowledge of the proprietors of
Cosmos that an article entitled 'Lady Journalist', by 'One of Them,' which appeared in the first issue of
Cosmos, two years ago, has been attributed to our late Editor,
Mrs. Bright (q.v.), and that she has been accused of bad taste in writing such an article, while at the same time meeting some of the lady journalists presumed to be unfairly criticised in the aforesaid article as if nothing had happened, and as a good deal of unpleasant discussion about our late Editor in connection therewith has been going on in certain circles, we take this opportunity of giving an open denial in our columns to the statement that Mrs. Bright was its author. The article appeared when the magazine was under the control of the now notorious
Armand Jerome, as managing director of a brief-lived Company, and Mrs. Bright could have known nothing of its authorship or publication. This explanation is due to a lady who during her editorship of
Cosmos earned commendation on all sides.' (p. 154)