In 1996 independent comic publisher CFD Productions offered Paula Guran the opportunity to edit a horror fiction magazine. However, after the first issue was released CFD pulled out of the deal and Guran decided to continue with her version of the zine, which she renamed Wetbones. Two issues of the magazine were published in 1997 before Guran abandoned the project. In an interview with the Mania: Beyond Entertainment website in 2000, Guran cites her reasons being related to the horror genre's standing within the publishing industry: '"Distribution," she notes "has changed a whole lot in the last few years; fiction magazines as a whole do not sell well, and horror fiction is perceived as having a small audience. Add to that a lack of advertisers and, well...'".
Source: Dumars, Denise. 'Paula Guran: Making the World Safe for Horror.' Mania: Beyond Entertainment (sighted 25/08/2011).