Tales of the Unanticipated, also known as TOTU, was a semi-professional zine founded under the auspices of the Minnesota Science Fiction Society in 1986. It was published independently by TOTU Ink between 2003 and 2010. The magazine was conceived as a means of showcasing fiction, poetry, and articles that were not just speculative fiction but that also attempted to transcend parochial notions of genre fiction.
Tales of the Unanticipated published considerable work by Minnesotan and Wisconsin writers and artists, as well as work by authors from Australia, Spain, the UK, Canada, and all over the United States. Among the Australian writers to have had their stories published in the magazine is Stephen Dedman.
While no official announcement has been forthcoming regarding to closure of the magazine and its website is still running, there have no further publications of Tales of the Unanticipated since issue 30 (April 2010).