Doctor Who fan fiction.
Set in the world of Paradise Towers, the decaying twenty-second century apartment building that formed the setting for the 1987 Doctor Who serial 'Paradise Towers.' In the original serial, almost the entire able-bodied male population of the Towers left to fight a war, leaving only the Kangs (colour-coded gangs of young girls), the Rezzies (residents of the Towers), and the Caretakers (Judge Dredd-style policemen).
This story is set after the Doctor has left Paradise Towers, apparently leaving the Kangs, Caretakers, and Rezzies to build a more harmonious society. Instead, a parasitic lifeform is moving gluttonously through the inhabitants of the Towers, destroying its hosts faster than necessary in its own greed at the abundance of food. Finally, the lifeform is trapped in the body of the final remaining Kang, who knows that her own death will also kill the creature. But even as she's dying, an emissary from the missing soldiers returns to announce that they have won the war and are returning to the Towers, guaranteeing the creature a new supply of food.