'In recent decades, there has been much emphasis placed on the rights of individuals, yet there are still over 200 million people in the world - representing 60 stateless nations - who are poor, marginalised and denied basic human rights under International Law. They are unable to choose their own social, political or cultural futures, and are either confined within First, Second or Third World Countries. They are the people of the Fourth World.
'Researching information concerning the misuse of human aid to a Fourth World country, a freelance journalist dies in New York under suspicious circumstances after discovering secret plans for the illegal supply of military weapons. When Alistair Allobrogicus - the Manx Deemster - becomes involved and delves into the mire of murky military and political subterfuge, more disturbing facts emerge that point to the existence of secret shadow governments controlled by a cartel of covert puppeteers and provocateurs.'
Source: Equilibrium Books (http://www.equilibriumbooks.com/puppeteers.htm). Sighted: 13/7/2011