'Spang catches a communications worker, Ken Genovese, sending encrypted messages in the standard weather broadcasts, and sentences him to hang without even bothering to decrypt the messages. Moskof speaks with Benny in Mister Crofton's garden after the hanging, asking her to suggest some way of improving morale, and Benny sarcastically suggests staging an art show in the garden. When Moskof takes her seriously, Benny decides to arrange a show of exclusively alien art. The display is examined beforehand and cleared for display, but the Axis puts up human artwork alongside the alien pieces; in some ways, the human art appears more accomplished, but this is because it's been designed for the human senses, unlike the alien artwork. Spang leaves the show to answer a call of nature, but is confronted by an alien artist, Bang Jorik, who'd originally planned to commit a very public suicide at the show before Benny talked him out of it. While Spang is distracted, Benny and Crofton overpower him and push him into a deep well to his death. Moskof is promoted into Spang's place, but Spang's "disappearance" goes unsolved. Benny has made her first serious strike against the Fifth Axis.'
Source: drwhoguide.com (http://www.drwhoguide.com/bs_n08.htm). Sighted: 19/5/11