Thirty-three tales ranging through fantasy, dark fantasy, horror and paranormal romance by some of Australia's biggest names as well as some emerging writers, the anthology also includes a review of 2010 and a list of recommended stories.
Greenwood : Ticonderoga Publications , 2011 pg. 113-125'Death at the Blue Elephant is the first story collection by the respected and multiple award winning Australian writer and editor Janeen Webb. She is a recipient of the World Fantasy Award, the Peter MacNamara SF Achievement Award, the Australian Aurealis Award, and is a three-time winner of the Ditmar Award. In her introduction to this book, Pamela Sargent describes these stories as evoking a "combination of suspenseful anticipation, nervous apprehension, and total absorption in something far removed from my own experience". Death at the Blue Elephant collects 18 incredible globe-spanning visions by the self-confessed 'inveterate traveller'. Five stories are original to this collection.' (Publication summary)
Greenwood : Ticonderoga Publications , 2014