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y separately published work icon Australian Hauntings : Colonial Supernatural Fiction anthology   short story   horror  
Issue Details: First known date: 2011... 2011 Australian Hauntings : Colonial Supernatural Fiction
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* Contents derived from the Mandurah, Mandurah area, Mandurah - Harvey area, Far Southwest Western Australia, Western Australia,:Equilibrium Books , 2011 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Jerry Boake's Confession, Ernest Favenc , single work short story
The Track of the Dead, D [Favenc] , single work short story
Blood for Blood, D [Favenc] , single work short story
In the Night, Binghi , single work short story
The Strange Occurrence on Huckney's Creek, Ernest Favenc , single work short story
The Wraith of Tom Imrie, William Sylvester Walker , single work short story
An altercation in a hotel leads to manslaughter, with the fleeing offender hotly pursued by another man. Both are found shot dead shortly afterwards and a haunting tragedy is subsequently revealed.
Hulk No. 49 : An Unsolved Sea Mystery, John Arthur Barry , single work short story horror
Miss Crosson's Familiar, Rosa Praed , single work short story horror
The Ghost of Brigalow Road, 'Wanderer' , single work short story horror
The Spectre of the Black Swamp : An Overlander's Story, Edwin M. Merrall , single work short story
Fifteen years after his murder by a jealous stockman, an overseer's ghost identitifies his killer and is able to leave the Black Swamp in peace. Interesting reminiscence of the time of the murder and the meeting with the ghost. Strong bush flavour. (PB)
The Evil That Men Do, Patience Tillyard , single work short story
Chronicles of Easyville, Patrick Shanahan , series - author short story
A visitor to the Victorian country township of Easyville discovers a bundle of manuscripts in his hotel room.
Point Despair, H. B. Marriott Watson , single work short story horror
A New Species, R. Coutts Armour , single work short story horror
De Profundis, Coutts Brisbane , single work short story
The Story of the Stain, Sophie Osmond , single work short story horror
The Sorcerer of Arjuzanx, Max Rittenberg , single work short story horror
The Queer Case of Christine Madrigal, A. E. Martin , single work short story horror
The Hollmsdale Horror, A. E. Martin , single work short story horror
The Pythoness, Helen Simpson , single work short story horror