y separately published work icon The Ballarat Courier newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1867... no. 75 Wednesday, 4 September 1867 of The Ballarat Courier est. 1867 The Ballarat Courier
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  • Notice: Theatre Royal: 'Ingomar', p.2


* Contents derived from the 1867 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Theatre Royal : Richard the Third, single work review
A lengthy and favourable review of the previous night's performance of Richard the Third. Mr Anderson's portrayal of Richard was excellent and showed a deep understanding of the complexities of character. The supporting actors were adequate, but showed no outstanding features.
(p. 2)
[Untitled], single work column
A literary and musical entertainment was held in the Scarsdale Town Hall to raise funds for the victims of the New South Wales floods. The entertainment was well patronised, with many having to be turned away, and the evening is expected to raise between £15 to £20.
(p. 2)
Last amended 23 Mar 2011 10:33:28
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