y separately published work icon The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2011... 11 January 2011 of The Sydney Morning Herald est. 1842 The Sydney Morning Herald
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* Contents derived from the 2011 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
They Never Told Me ... How To Eat Sensibly, Lenny Ann Low , single work column (p. 2) Section: Summer
Herald Appoints First Woman Editor in Its 180-Year History, Tim Dick , single work column (p. 2)
Sydney's Taste of Literary Criticism, John Huxley , single work column
John Huxley notes the range of international luminaries who have visited Australia and the literary assocations that have sprung from those visits. Huxley's list of visitors includes Mark Twain, Charles Darwin, Agatha Christie, H. G. Wells and D. H. Lawrence.
(p. 3) Section: Summer
Note: illus.
Screen Tie-ins Cast in a Leading Role for Book Sales, Susan Wyndham , single work column
Susan Wyndham reports on the 2010 Australian bestseller list. Eight of the top ten titles are fiction; all eight are by non-Australian writers. The top-selling Australian fiction title for 2010 was Bryce Courtenay's Fortune Cookie, followed by Di Morrissey's The Plantation.
(p. 5)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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