'Celebrate the legends of Australian fantasy. Extraordinary voices ... extraordinary worlds.
Come to Erith, to a faerie tale with a sting, or to Obernewtyn, long before the Seeker was born. Revisit a dark pocket of history for the Magician′s Guild or get caught up in the confusion of an endlessly repeating day in the Citadel. Cross the wall, where Charter magic is all that lies between you and death. A trip with a graverobber can be gruesome, and it′s hard to share the fear of a woman who must kill her husband if her child is to rule ...
A mysterious tale plays out in Sevenwaters. Catch up with Ros and Adi as they prepare for the greatest change of all. Other twists in these fabulous tales bring us to demonic destiny and an alternate WWII.
These eleven short novels will take you on amazing new journeys with favourite characters from the worlds you know and love' (HarperCollins).
Pymble : HarperCollins Australia , 2010 pg. 81-130Prickle Moon is a collection of short fiction. It contains eleven previously published stores and five new ones. Included are the Sevenwaters novella, ’Twixt Firelight and Water', the epic Nordic story, 'Otherling', and 'In Coed Celyddon', a tale of the young man who would one day become King Arthur.
The title story, especially written for the collection, concerns an old Scottish wise woman facing an impossible moral dilemma. Other new stories in the book include 'By Bone-Light', a contemporary retelling of the Russian fairy tale 'Vasilissa the Wise', and 'The Angel of Death', a dark story about a puppy mill rescue.
Source: Author's website (Sighted 18/6/2013)
Greenwood : Ticonderoga Publications , 2013