A co-Australian and German television series, Dance Academy revolves around Tara Webster, a young woman who has grown up on property in outback Australia all the while dreaming of becoming a dancer. When she makes it into the National Academy of Dance, Tara realises that her life is about to change forever. As the series progresses, she also comes to realise that she is not alone in this journey.
'Tara arrives at the Academy excited about the year ahead. As she struggles to fit in, she learns the hard way to respect her teachers and find true friends.'
Source: Australian Television Net website,
Sighted: 28/10/2010
'Tara's sick of being the youngest and hates that Ethan sees her as just a little kid. So when Tara is seen talking with Damien Lang, a soloist in the Company and a local boy from Tara's hometown, a rumour is spread that they are dating. Tara is overjoyed by this rumour but when it becomes a scandal that jeopardises Damien's career, Tara is forced to admit the humiliating truth. Meanwhile, Abigail is unwilling to accept the changes in her developing body'.
(Source: Australian Television Information Archive.)
2010'During the final episode of Dance Academy, it's judgment day. The Third Years sit before the Company panel and learn their fate — whether they'll be offered a professional contract with the National Ballet Company or not.
'Meanwhile, one of the gang is transported on a very different journey.'
Source: Australian Television Information Archive. (Sighted: 8/4/2014)
Melbourne : Werner Film Productions ABC Television , 2013'Due to the COVID-19 extended lockdowns this year, as well as greater accessibility on streaming services, many adults have been returning to their childhoods via nostalgic kids’ TV viewing.' (Introduction)
'Due to the COVID-19 extended lockdowns this year, as well as greater accessibility on streaming services, many adults have been returning to their childhoods via nostalgic kids’ TV viewing.' (Introduction)