No Through Road single work   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 2010... 2010 No Through Road
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All Publication Details

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Wordlines : Contemporary Australian Writing Hilary McPhee , Melbourne : Five Mile Press , 2010 Z1705411 2010 anthology short story 'Influential Australian publisher and writer, Hilary McPhee returned from three years overseas to find the landscape of Australian writing had changed in a new and exciting way. In this inaugural edition of a new series, Hilary presents her favourite selection of recent Australian writing - writing that challenges, provokes, enthrals and entertains. Featuring work from thrilling new stars such as Amra Pajalic, Abigail Ulman and Nam Le, as well as the brilliant new work of established writers such as Gerald Murnane, Drusilla Modjeska, Cate Kennedy and Rod Jones.' (From the publisher's website.) Melbourne : Five Mile Press , 2010 pg. 223-230
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon My Hearts Are Your Hearts Carmel Bird , Strawberry Hills : Spineless Wonders , 2015 8749753 2015 selected work short story

    'What are the hares getting up to among the sunflowers? Who is paying $6000 for a raincoat? The priest is good, kind, adored, believed - but can the schoolgirl trust him? Who kills his wife and dumps the body in the pool? What if you find your death was listed long ago online?

    'With lightness in the telling, with subtle harmonies and rhythms in the sentences, subversive wit, tender observation - these new stories from one of Australia's foremost storytellers explore the mysterious workings of the heart.

    'Accompanied by the author's comments on the stories' origins and themes, as well as insights into the creative process, this is the first in Spineless Wonders' new series, FICTION PLUS. A must for lovers of short fiction - for readers and for writers.' (Publication summary)

    Strawberry Hills : Spineless Wonders , 2015
    pg. 112-118
  • Toorak, South Yarra - Glen Iris area, Melbourne - Inner South, Melbourne, Victoria,
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