The Past Doctor Adventures (PDA) was a series of paperback novel launched by BBC Books in 1997 in conjunction with its Eighth Doctor Adventures line. This series featured new adventures of the first seven Doctors, with the exception of three releases (see note below). Both series ended in 2005 when BBC Books decided to focus its publishing ventures on books related to the revived TV series. Although there was speculation that the PDA line would later resume with novels featuring the Eighth Doctor and even Ninth Doctor, as of 2009 this has not eventuated.
'The Nineteen-Eighties; as we enter the Age of the Personal Computer, the newborn 'Internet' spreads across America, and the computer invasion enters our homes. Across the technological frontier, an incredible war begins between the criminals and their savvy opponents.
A brilliant young programmer, a beautiful college student, and a mysterious hacker known only as 'The Doctor' join forces to combat an electronic threat fallen into the hands of a notorious computer outlaw.
Respected computer journalist Charles 'Chick' Peters was an eyewitness as these unlikely heroes fought their hi-tech skirmishes across the nation's vulnerable capital — and inside the world of the computer. Blue Box is the compelling true story of a secret computer project that could literally change the way you think.'
Source: Cover blurb ( Sighted: 3/6/11
This is a 'Past Doctor' novel, which chronicles an adventure of the Sixth Doctor.
London : BBC Books , 2003