*#*&**##* single work   poetry   "Beautiful sunset"
Issue Details: First known date: 1999... 1999 *#*&**##*
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Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Imprint of Infinity : Poetry Jennifer A. Martiniello , Margo Stanislawska-Birnberg , Dickson : Tidbinbilla Press , 1999 Z425241 1999 selected work poetry 'Jennifer Martiniello, as an Arrernte woman, speaks often with the voice of the land itself, at other times reinscribing its presence and formative influences through her father's, grandmother's and grandfather's experiences. Polish-born Margo Stanislawska-Birnberg's journey of inner transmigration arises from her passionate engagement over many years with the land, and living with Aboriginal communities and people who have become her friends, compatriots of heart, land and spirit. In The Imprint of Infinity two poets coming from very different background, bring a similar intensity of focus to exploring their responses to the land and elemental forces of central Australia. Their common theme is their "changeless/coloured land": its spiritual significance, its immense beauty, its colours and secrets, its people. What makes this collection unique is the juxtaposition of two distinctive voices whose complementary tonalities echo in the mind.' (Publisher's comment). Dickson : Tidbinbilla Press , 1999 pg. 31
Last amended 3 Sep 2010 10:31:58
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