'Thinking through self-portraiture in photography and epistolary through Francesca Woodman and Macbeth; theorising women’s writing practice; and reviewing trolling through Ginger Gorman’s Troll Hunting.' (Introduction)
'Gender and the Everyday: selected papers from the Western Australian Communication, Culture and Media Group’s conference. There are articles on memorials and violence, femininity in Restoration literature, romance novels, Miley Cyrus and the posthuman, and the gender politics of Tropfest. ' (Publication abstract)
'Articles on celebrity feminism and de Beauvoir's All Men are Mortal, and a review article on activism, feminism and the neoliberal university. '
'This special edition of Outskirts journal draws together selected papers from the 2016 Australian Women’s and Gender Studies Association (AWGSA) conference, held in Brisbane and hosted by a group of Queensland universities from 29 June to 1 July 2016. The conference organising committee was led by Dr Sharon Bickle (University of Southern Queensland). ' (Introduction)
'Feminist Readings of Film and Television: Articles on class and femininity in Snog, Marry, Avoid, female “madness” in Insidious, gender representation and Frozen, postfeminism and Weeds, and teaching gender and race with The Golden Girls. ' (Publication abstract)
'Magdalena Talks Back. Contemporary feminist research methodologies. Articles on research methodologies used to explore the diva as feminist icon in contemporary performance; women's experiences of healing post-abortion; the pre-verbal trauma of late-discovery adoptees; the bodily impact of childhood rape; the practice of infanticide in colonial Western Australia; feminist legal methods in sentencing mothers; cunning and bodily intelligence in feminist storymaking; living with the chronic pain of vulvodynia; practice-led research in the visual arts. A poem, the Women's Stone Circle.' (Publication summary)