y separately published work icon Senses of Cinema periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2010... no. 55 2010 of Senses of Cinema est. 1999 Senses of Cinema
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* Contents derived from the , 2010 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Aliens among Us : Sally Marshall Is Not an Alien (Mario Andreacchio, 1999), Jake Wilson , single work criticism
A Girl’s Own Story : Jane Campion, 1984, Anton De Ionno , single work criticism
Untitled, Jonathan Rayner , single work review
— Review of Diasporas of Australian Cinema 2009 anthology criticism ;
Mapping Australia : Cinematic Cartographies of (Dis)location, Jane Mills , single work criticism
'Initially, movies and maps might appear to have little in common: films move while maps tend to be static; films belong to the realms of art and popular culture while maps relate to the world of science. Upon closer examination, however, they share much common ground. They both communicate visually to delineate and describe the space in which we live. They both refer their audiences and readers to political, historical and social contexts of their time. Maps, of course, are overtly symbolic in a way that film can obscure by a naturalistic portrayal of time and place but however realistic and accurate they aspire to be, each can only ever represent the reality of the world we live in. Importantly, both films and maps tell stories. Sometimes tall stories: Hic sunt dracones ('Here be dragons') claimed the legend on the early sixteenth-century Lenox Globe to denote unexplored territory. And unknown territory is precisely where many filmmakers aim to take their audiences. Enabling us to fix time and space for a short moment, films and maps both tell stories about the known world to reveal a new world. They are two ways humans have devised to chart the unknown territory of our imagination.' (Introduction)
Not Quite 360-degree : Wake in Fright (Ted Kotcheff, 1971) and Australia (Baz Luhrmann, 2008), Hugh Marchant , single work review
— Review of Wake in Fright Evan Jones , 1971 single work film/TV ; Australia Baz Luhrmann , Stuart Beattie , Ronald Harwood , Richard Flanagan , 2008 single work film/TV ;
The Choice Fruit of The Mango Tree (Kevin Dobson, 1977), Brian McFarlane , single work review
— Review of The Mango Tree Michael Pate , 1977 single work film/TV ;
Somersault (Cate Shortland, 2004), Brodie Lancaster , single work review
— Review of Somersault Cate Shortland , 2004 single work film/TV ;
Storylines in Baz Luhrmann’s Australia (2008), Lisa French , single work review
— Review of Australia Baz Luhrmann , Stuart Beattie , Ronald Harwood , Richard Flanagan , 2008 single work film/TV ;