y separately published work icon The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2010... 24-25 July 2010 of The Sydney Morning Herald est. 1842 The Sydney Morning Herald
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* Contents derived from the , 2010 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Funny Side to the Other Milligan, Malcolm Brown , single work column (p. 2) Section: News Review
Note: port. (Patrick Milligan)
Frequent Flyer : Shirley Barrett, Shirley Barrett , single work column (p. 5) Section: Traveller
Straight Up, Sacred Cows Beware Encounter With Kate Jennings, Farah Farouque , single work biography (p. 5) Section: News Review
  • With title: Straight Up, Sacred Cows Beware
  • port. (Kate Jennings)
Get With the Program, Louise Schwartzkoff , single work column
'Behind the glossy brochures, Sydney's theatre, music and dance companies perform a delicate balancing act to keep their audiences happy.' (Editor's abstract)
(p. 6-7) Section: Spectrum
Political Correctness, Malcolm Knox , single work review
— Review of Hawke Glen Dolman , 2010 single work film/TV ;
(p. 22-23) Section: Spectrum
A. J. Mackinnon Slowly, Taking the Pith, Tim Elliott , single work biography (p. 30-31) Section: Spectrum
  • With title: A. J. Mackinnon
  • port. (A. J. Mackinnon)
Security, Communism and One Family's Very Thick File, Ross Fitzgerald , single work review
— Review of The Family File Mark Aarons , 2010 single work autobiography ;
(p. 30-31) Section: Spectrum
Undercover, Marc McEvoy , single work column
A column canvassing current literary news including a report on the Australian Society of Authors recommendation about writers' contracts for e-book sales.
(p. 31) Section: Spectrum
What I'm Reading : Andrew Croome, Author, Paddy Wood , single work column (p. 32) Section: Spectrum
Hail the Queen of an Itsy-Bitsy Idea, Daphne Guinness , single work review
— Review of Bikini : The Paula Stafford Story Paula Stafford , Ali McGovern , 2010 single work autobiography ;
(p. 33) Section: Spectrum
Unfinished Business, Peter Pierce , single work review
— Review of After America John Birmingham , 2010 single work novel ;
(p. 34) Section: Spectrum
In Short : Fiction, Kerryn Goldsworthy , single work review
— Review of I Can See My House from Here : UTS Writers' Anthology 2010 2010 anthology short story poetry prose ;
(p. 34) Section: Spectrum
Pick of the Week, Bruce Elder , single work review
— Review of House of Hits Jane Albert , 2010 single work biography ;
(p. 35) Section: Spectrum
Strangely Familiar, Ceridwen Dovey , single work review
— Review of Indelible Ink Fiona McGregor , 2010 single work novel ;
(p. 36) Section: Spectrum